Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CF2®)

A Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CF2®) is someone who has taken extra steps to demonstrate their commitment to upholding the highest standards of financial advice and client care.

Special Training and Certification:

To become a CF2®, a financial professional must complete specific training and pass an exam. This training focuses on ethical practices, understanding complex financial situations, and learning how to always put clients' interests first.

Fiduciary Duty:

This is the core of being a CF2®. 'Fiduciary' means they are legally and ethically required to act in your best interests. Unlike some financial advisors who might recommend products or investments that give them higher commissions or benefits, CF2s are obligated to recommend what’s best for you, even if it means they earn less.


CF2s must be transparent, especially about how they are compensated and any potential conflicts of interest. This means they should clearly explain how they make money from the advice they give you. For example, if they get a commission for selling a certain investment product, they need to tell you.

Holistic Financial Planning:

Often, CF2s provide more than just investment advice. They may help with overall financial planning, including budgeting, retirement planning, insurance needs, tax strategies, and estate planning. Their goal is to look at your entire financial picture and help you make decisions that improve your overall financial health.

Trust and Reliability:

By adhering to the fiduciary standard, a CF2® aims to build a relationship based on trust. You should feel confident that their advice is tailored to your unique situation and goals, and that they are reliable guides on your financial journey.

In summary, a Certified Financial Fiduciary® is a financial advisor who has gone above and beyond to prove they are committed to acting in your best interest at all times, with transparency and a comprehensive approach to your financial well-being.

FINRA Overview:

NACFF Overview:

Accredited Financial Counselor® (AFC®)

An Accredited Financial Counselor® (AFC®) is a professional who specializes in helping individuals and families achieve their financial goals and address various financial challenges. This designation demonstrates a commitment to a high standard of professionalism, education, and ethical conduct.

Comprehensive Education and Examination:

To earn the AFC® designation, candidates must undergo rigorous education and pass a comprehensive examination. The training covers a broad range of financial topics including personal finance management, credit and debt management, and saving strategies. This preparation ensures that they have a deep understanding of financial principles and practical applications.

Focus on Financial Education and Behavior:

Unlike some financial advisors who focus primarily on investment advice, AFC® professionals emphasize financial education and behavioral change. They work closely with clients to develop better financial habits, make informed decisions, and understand the financial products that are most beneficial for their personal situations.

Client-Centric Approach:

AFC® counselors are trained to put their clients’ needs first, providing unbiased advice without any conflict of interest from commissions or referral fees. Their main goal is to empower clients, giving them the knowledge and tools needed to manage their finances effectively.

Holistic Financial Health:

AFC® professionals often assist with more than just immediate financial issues. They help with overall financial wellness, from budgeting and debt management to planning for future financial needs such as education expenses and retirement. They strive to improve the long-term financial health of their clients.

Building Trust and Confidence:

By adhering to a strict code of ethics and focusing on educational empowerment, an AFC® aims to establish long-term relationships with clients based on trust and reliability. Clients can feel confident that the guidance they receive is tailored to their unique financial situations and goals.

In summary, an Accredited Financial Counselor® is dedicated to providing holistic, educational, and client-focused financial guidance, helping individuals build and maintain financial stability and confidence.

FINRA Overview:

AFCPE Overview:

Federal Retirement Consultant® (FRC®)

A Federal Retirement Consultant® (FRC®) is a professional who specializes in advising federal employees on their retirement planning needs. With a focus on the unique benefits and challenges associated with federal retirement systems, an FRC is equipped to guide clients through the complexities of planning for retirement as a government employee.

Special Training and Certification:

To earn the FRC designation, a consultant must undergo specialized training and pass an examination that covers various aspects of federal retirement systems, such as the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). This training ensures that they are well-versed in the specifics of federal benefits and can provide tailored advice based on these systems.

Dedicated Expertise:

FRCs focus specifically on the needs of federal employees, making them uniquely knowledgeable about topics such as federal employee health benefits, life insurance programs, and retirement eligibility criteria. This expertise allows them to offer advice that is not only accurate but also highly relevant to their clients' specific circumstances.

Personalized Retirement Planning:

Understanding that each federal employee's situation is different, FRCs provide personalized retirement planning services. They help clients evaluate their current benefits, estimate future pensions, and make informed decisions about voluntary contributions to retirement accounts and potential retirement dates.

Commitment to Client Goals:

Federal Retirement Consultants are committed to helping their clients achieve their retirement goals. They work closely with each client to understand their individual objectives and craft strategies that maximize their retirement benefits and meet their long-term financial goals.

Transparency and Trust:

Transparency in all dealings is a cornerstone of the FRC® designation. Consultants are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and operate with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

In summary, a Federal Retirement Consultant® is a trusted advisor who specializes in the federal retirement system, providing expert guidance to help federal employees navigate their retirement planning with confidence and clarity.

FINRA Overview:

FFEBA Overview:

National Social Security Advisor® (NSSA®)

A National Social Security Advisor (NSSA®) is a professional designation for financial advisors, CPAs, and other retirement professionals who specialize in advising clients on Social Security benefits. NSSA advisors are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to help clients maximize their Social Security benefits based on their specific financial goals and circumstances.

Special Training and Certification:

To become an NSSA, advisors must complete a comprehensive training program that includes detailed instruction on the various Social Security programs and benefits. This program also covers strategies for timing Social Security claims to maximize benefits, understanding spousal and survivor benefits, and coordinating Social Security with other retirement income sources. The certification process concludes with an examination to ensure proficiency.

Expert Guidance on Social Security:

NSSA advisors provide expert guidance on navigating the complexities of Social Security benefits. This includes helping clients understand when and how to claim benefits to maximize their retirement income, as well as advising on issues like tax implications and impact on other retirement plans.

Personalized Benefit Strategies:

Recognizing that each individual's situation is unique, NSSA advisors offer personalized consultations to create strategies that align with the client’s retirement goals and financial situation. They help clients plan for different scenarios and make informed decisions that could affect their long-term financial health.

Commitment to Ethical Standards:

NSSA advisors adhere to a strict code of ethics and are committed to providing unbiased and accurate advice. This ensures that clients receive reliable guidance designed to serve their best interests.

Educational Resources and Support:

NSSA certified advisors have access to ongoing educational resources that help them stay updated on the latest Social Security regulations and strategies. This continuous learning enables them to provide current and effective advice to their clients.

In summary, a National Social Security Advisor (NSSA®) is a certified expert in Social Security benefits, dedicated to helping clients make informed decisions that optimize their retirement income through strategic Social Security planning.

FINRA Overview:

NSSA Overview:

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Designations as it relates to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email or telephone number:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone Number: 937-308-6941

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