My highest priority as a Certified Financial Fiduciary® is making sure that I treat each person I interact with as if you're family. That means offering an unbiased professional opinion to make sure you get the best advice for your unique situation. Here are just some of the topics we can cover:

  • Capturing gains WITHOUT risking stock market losses

  • Making your money last + grow so you have it when you need it most

  • Avoiding unnecessary taxes (even eliminating taxes)

  • Funding, minimizing, or even eliminating the biggest retirement expenses

  • Answering any of your questions or concerns about your financial health

  • Making sure you're not overpaying for your life insurance, lacking key benefits, or both

Talk soon!

Dr. Steven Crane



[email protected]

Complimentary Strategy Session

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I already have a Financial Planner?

Not a problem! Because of my broad scope of planning expertise, I can work alongside your financial planner to make sure the best strategies are being used to accomplish your financial goals. This is a win-win for you as you will have many bright minds working for you!

Can you work with my CPA and/or Attorney?

Of course! This is something I do on a regular basis with many of my own clients, as well as those of CPAs and Attorneys. Creating a truly comprehensive financial plan oftentimes requires multiple financial professionals to be involved and working together in harmony.

If I request a call, do I have to work with you?

Nope! This is something that I wanted to offer completely complimentary and without any additional obligations... which may lead you to wonder why I'm doing this! I know that some people will talk to me, and go back to their old ways of planning. HOWEVER, I know that many will see the value in what I do to serve others, and that they will want to move forward in working together.

You should assume that products that I recommend (books, partnerships, etc.) may result in compensation paid to me, Dr. Steven Crane. If you would rather that I not be compensated for these recommendations, go to Google and search for the item and find a non-affiliate link to use. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision. You are fully responsible for the purchases you make and any outcomes that may result from their purchase.

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